Benefits of Having a Chromebook for School

Benefits of Having a Chromebook for School

In such a technologically advanced world, helping students learn how to appropriately use that technology is crucial. In fact, digital literacy is now often addressed in educational curricula. One thing that can help students learn how to properly use technology and the internet is the use of laptops in the classroom. However, standard laptops can be distracting, heavy, and difficult to use. That’s why lots of schools are turning to Chromebooks for use in the classroom. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of having a Chromebook for school. 

  1. Fewer Distractions

A Chromebook is entirely functional as an educational tool, but it’s not exactly a full laptop. That means that while there is access to the internet and productivity applications, they don’t offer customizable dashboards or image saving. There are fewer distractions to keep students’ attention away from their schoolwork. 

  1. Higher Security

Chromebooks are built incredibly securely. There are no risks of malware that can disrupt work or damage the device. Because this malware security is built into the computer, there is no need to pay for extra virus software to prevent problems. And that means fewer repair costs, too. 

  1. Automatic Updates

Chromebooks use a proprietary operating system called Chrome OS. This system updates automatically whenever a new bug fix or patch is made available. This automated process means less time devoted to teaching students how to use their computers and how to make sure they have the latest available update. 

  1. Better Battery

Chromebooks are made to be a productivity tool, so you won’t find battery-draining p[rograms or software installed inside. This is particularly helpful for students who may need to use the device throughout the day during each class. There are rarely enough outlets in a classroom to allow several students to charge computers at once, so this is a very compelling reason to choose Chromebooks for students. 

  1. Works Offline

As long as students sign in to their profile on the device, they won’t need to access the internet to work on productivity apps. This means they can work on homework, even if they don’t have the internet at home, a common issue in many low-income school districts. 

  1. Simple to Use

Chromebooks are very user-friendly. For many students, this may be the first time they use a computer on their own for educational purposes. The Chrome OS is easy to use and apps are simple to navigate. 

  1. Better In-Class Experience

Chromebooks offer teachers multiple ways to improve the in-class experience for themselves and their students. Paperless assignments can be submitted online, reducing lost homework, cheating, and distractions. These are easier to grade for teachers, so they have more time to plan fulfilling lessons. Project-based learning is a breeze with online collaboration and a variety of creative software. 

Clearly, there are tons of great reasons for introducing Chromebooks to your classroom, students, and school. If you think these devices would be a welcome addition, get in touch with Catholic Purchasing Services to get started!